Soul Leader Leader resolve things - things that should be done , and on some level it is just as simple as that . Highly unlikely to be a leader if you do not make some goals and then reach those goals . Creating goals and then take steps to reach a point that is always associated with motivation .
There are many aspects to being an effective leader , such as leading by example , always holds the promise , making the right decision , and others - others .
But the core of the problem , is motivation . Leading related to build a case and build requires consistency . Consistency itself can only be done if there is a motivation . In other words , without motivation there is no leadership that can last a long time .
How Leaders Think
1 book creation process requires the attitude of leaders , why leadership influence , how you can be a leader , whether leaders are born or made . However , back again , the desire to be a leader and then make it come true , need motivation . Followers see another person to serve as motivation . However , leaders make their own way and move forward , it was the way of thinking of a leader .
Leaders are always associated with ' action ' . If you want to think like a leader , then start to think how to get things done that need to be resolved . There is no doubt that the issue of leadership is one of the complex . However, for this case , the components of this motivation is very important .
Poor speaking skills , his lack of knowledge and even lack of charisma , all those things can be overcome with effort and practice . But the hard part is making the internal motivation continue to exist within us .
Internal motivation
The question that you must answer if you want to be a leader is , " Am I internally motivated to achieve a goal - a goal that I have created ? " If the answer is no , it does not mean you are not a leader , and then you think you will never have the internal motivation that you need to resolve things - things .
However , chances are it indicates that you 've made the wrong goals and choose the path that is less precise . If this is the case , do not worry , you can re-create your goals , and then look for another way . Because this is a true leader did
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