Saturday, July 26, 2014

Strong bones In Old Age By taking this

The more you age, not a secret anymore if the body's ability to function starts to decline slowly as well, is no exception to the bone. Strong bones greatly affect your life in old age.

Keeping bones strong despite actually not difficult really old ladies, with a focus on some of the nutrients that strengthen bones, you can definitely healthier with bone that is not inferior to today's young people.

Some foods that can help you to maintain bone strength and density are:

1 Consume vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is often overlooked because the body does not require much of this vitamin. But with age, blood cells also aging. So Vitamin B12 is needed for red blood cells strengthen and improve cognition. You can get vitamin B12 intake of animal protein sources such as meat and eggs.

2 More often eat bananas

With age, blood pressure tends to rise so you also have more risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as stroke. It makes you have to eat foods that contain lots of potassium as bananas.

Moreover, the hypertension drug is a diuretic, so you may lose a lot of sodium and potassium levels in the blood. Because you need a lot of potassium, bananas are very good then put in your healthy diet, including broccoli and boiled potatoes.

3 Drink more water

The more your old age, probably have to eat some drugs, such as hypertension drugs. This gives the effect of dehydration so drinking more water is a solution so you do not lose a lot of body fluids.

Drinking water is also very good at removing toxins in the body and other health benefits are very good. Limit the consumption of coffee, tea, soda and alcohol because your body is not like it used to be.

4 Foods high in calcium

In order for your bones strong, of course you need calcium to maintain density. Calcium is found in milk and other dairy products. If you have an allergy to lactose or do not really like milk, then replace it with dietary supplements may also.

Maximum calcium intake from food and supplements were 2,500 milligrams per day for adults, or 2,000 milligrams per day if you are over 50.

So, if you love your parents and want them to live healthy, there is no harm in encouraging them to consume these nutrients. You also can start from now to maintain bone health and get strong bones in the elderly.

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